💰🏛️🕒 Congress Spending Deal

Congress has reached a spending deal to avoid a government shutdown, setting funding levels for 2024, and addressing the border crisis and impeachment probes.

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Summary of focal points from each side based on articles from the past week


  • Focus on urgency of passing spending bill to avert shutdown
  • Highlight total amount of spending bill ($1.59 trillion)
  • Emphasize threat of shutdown due to right-wing Republicans' stance on immigration


  • Focus on bipartisan agreement reached on government spending levels for 2024
  • Highlight President Biden's statement the agreement clears way to avoid shutdown
  • Mention time pressure Congress is under to address multiple issues


  • Highlight multiple challenges Congress is facing (shutdown deadlines, border crisis, impeachment probes)
  • Emphasize need for Congress to address border crisis
  • Mention potential reform to move people from welfare to work
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