📈🌍💼 Global Economy and Job Market

  • Investors are hopeful for a return to normalcy in 2023, the US economy is experiencing a soft landing, gas prices are lower under Biden, the federal government erased over 400,000 jobs from employment reports, and the labor market had a strong year with solid job growth.
  • Additionally, a major Chinese shadow bank filed for bankruptcy, and a Columbia professor changed their stance on NYC's future.

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Summary of focal points from each side based on articles from the past week


  • Highlighting positive state of US economy, emphasizing soft landing and strong labor market
  • They are optimistic about future economic outlook


  • Focused on investor sentiment and their hope for return to normalcy in 2024
  • They mention major Chinese shadow bank filing for bankruptcy


  • Critical of Biden administration, focusing on lower gas prices and questioning accuracy of employment reports
  • They highlight strength of economy and its resilience


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